Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Week 3 -January 21, 2021

Intro to Entrepreneurial Class BYUI Studies

Things learned: 

"What you do and how much you make are not as important to the Lord as

1. Building his kingdom

2. Honest in your dealings

3. Filling life with good works and helping your community."

                                                        -Lynn G. Robbins

Our goal in life should be for our primary motivation 
to be the love of God and our fellowmen and secondary income.

                    Can you ask the Lord's blessings on whatever your endeavor is? 

                    Does your product or service hurt society? 

Decide now what my standards are...In life expect your integrity to be challenged.                                                                  IT WILL HAPPEN. 

Case study about Yesil Magdalena takeaways:

    Continuously learn, it makes you more marketable.
    Ask questions, people in their industry are a great resource of knowledge.
    Take risks. Some work out, some don't.
    Never burn bridges.
    Keep your priorities straight.
    Know what makes you happy.
    Learn different aspects of the industry I'm in.

Things to look into/think more about: 

Winners Never Cheat -Huntsman Sr. I have heard several times in the last month or so reference to this book. I need to add it to my book list. 

How to partner more in my life with God. Not be so independent. 

Spend more time on others, service, community.

Pray every day to be sensitive to the spirit, to listen, and to follow.

When we put God first as our priority other things in our life will be taken care of.

When a good thought pops into my head write it down in my notes on my phone, or in my paper book on my nightstand. follow through with those thoughts. 

Look into Yoga/Contemplation as a daily habit. Good time to reflect and listen. 

Our worst nightmare we have fail in comparison to not living the life we are intented to. Looking back on my life and having regrets. 


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