Saturday, March 6, 2021

 Week 9

Things learned:

This has probably been my favorite week so far, in this class. 

There is a lot of knowledge to be had with talking and interviewing business owners.

I was able to interview two different people this week and it just makes me want to interview more. I told both people that I just needed about 15 min. That was a joke. In my first interview, my first question wasn't even fully being answered 25 minutes into the conversation. I can see if you had the right mentor in your life how valuable it could be because he was giving me a lot of story and background that I found to be super helpful in the journey of starting up a company. I always look at people who are successful and think it's an overnight success. In reality that is not the case. 

I loved hearing about people's journey and what they think is key to being successful in business. 

One owner said that failure was not an option even if she was the only one buying the product she was going to buy it all if it meant getting going. 

Things to learn more about: 

Lookup more success stories of people who made a change later in life and were successful. help to stay motivated that it is never too late to start up a business adventure.

How to help my kids be business successful at a younger age. Take more risk. Have them look outside the box and not be afraid to fail. 


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