Wednesday, March 24, 2021

 Week 12

The thoughts this week center around how we think about money. I loved all of the talks we listened to about people who did so much good in the world. I love that their thoughts about business and success are tied so closely to giving back and making a difference. The news article about Mother Teresa and how the reporter said to her that statistically she is making no dent in helping people, and the idea was talked about that God is not interested in percentages. He is interested in helping the individual. I believe when we are helping others and touching lives we are mostly changing ourselves and becoming more Christ-like. I also love the concept of bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. This definitely brings to mind the law of consecration. How are there people starving? why can't we figure out how to more evenly distribute wealth. I think this week was inspiring to learn of the goodness and difference that one person can make by an idea to help and not letting things like fixed ideas of how it is supposed to happen to get in the way. Elder Gay says that beyond making money that makes ends meet, we should be concerned about what our attitude toward wealth is. He said this is critical. 


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